Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome to Love My Lapband!

Hi, welcome to Love My Lap Band. This site is here to give you a far better idea of what it is like to have a lap band procedure. Your doctor will advise you on all the medical aspects of the procedure, but we’re going to let you hear from another kind of expert - the people who have had lap band surgeries. I'm a filmmaker, and over the next few weeks, I'm going to be taping interviews and posting them for you to see.

I’m betting you’re a lot like me. When I’m undertaking a venture of any kind, I want to know as much as I can about my chosen path from people who have already been down the same road. Right now, I’m saving my pennies to have a lap band procedure later this year. When I became interested, I talked to as many people as I could and everyone I spoke with had nothing but high praise for the process. I decided it would be a good idea to put all that wisdom right here online where lots of people besides me can access it.


You probably feel guilty. Most of us do. If we were better people with more self-discipline, we’d be able to diet, lose weight and keep it off, right? After all, you have tons of motivation to do so. There’s your love life, for one. Then there’s your family - maybe your mom, or your spouse or your kids worry about you. Lastly, there’s the fun stuff you miss out on - buying smashing clothes, or playing sports or being small enough to slide under the car and do a quick repair. And there are always the quick humiliations - the job offer you don’t get because of your weight, the number of times you’re ignored when making a public request and the quick retreat at family gatherings when someone pulls out a camera. Been there? Done that? I have.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading and there are a lot of reasons you can’t lose weight and keep it off - and virtually none of them have to do with will power. Everybody who is overweight knows how tough it is to lose weight and even worse, how determined your body is to regain anything you lose. And if you take off more than 10% of your excess weight, your body is going to begin cranking your metabolism down until you put the weight right back on. That’s not your imagination. To make matters far worse, you’re going to be flooded with chemicals and hormones that are going to demand that you eat, eat, eat. And being human, you are going to do so - just like your trimmer brethren would do if confronted by the same chemical onslaught you’re now enduring. Got that? Not only is your metabolism slowing down to help you put weight back on, your body is flooding you with the chemicals that make you hungry so you want to eat far more than you normally would. So even if you eat a meal that would have filled you up quite contentedly before the diet began, you’re still going to be hungry when you’re through because your body is releasing the chemicals that make you hungry even when you eat properly - a lack of self-discipline isn’t the problem. It’s mother nature. Those two things - the slowed down metabolism and the increased hunger - are the physiological responses that puts the weight back on. And that, my friend, is where weight-loss surgery comes in.

Your body has a set point that it wants very much to maintain. You’re probably already aware of that. You can gain five pounds over the course of a few weeks, and with only a minor amount of effort, it will slide back off again. It works in reverse as well, or course. Take weight off and it’ll slide back on. You’ll be amazed to learn just how well this has been documented and for how long the medical industry has known that “diet and exercise” really aren’t effective for losing weight. By some estimates, less than 2% of people who use diet and exercise manage to keep the weight off for over two years. One of the things weight loss surgery does, somewhat inexplicably, is allow your body to reset it’s “set point”. One of the other things it does is rejigger the chemicals your stomach is producing so that you feel less hunger. Those two things together make significant weight loss and maintenance of the new lower body weight achievable. That’s why, in a nutshell, weight loss surgery works.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be shooting interviews with some of the people I know who have had lapband surgery. I have heard amazing tales of diabetes, and high blood pressure and asthma and sleep apnea simply disappearing - not to mention the re-appearance of a vibrant sex drive and the restorative relationships that follow. You can have that too. You can lose weight, keep it off, buy great clothes, play tennis and even flirt with a 20 year old grocery clerk if you’re so inclined, without feeling preposterous. Confidence is sexy, my friend, and those of us who have lost our allure and our physical confidence for a time are always the most aware of how powerful a thing it is to have. That’s what I aim to do here - get you to give up the guilt and misgivings and take action on your behalf to be the person you and I both know you really are. It’ll be a few weeks before the interviews go up so, in the meantime, I’m going to post some good reading material on the subject. I hope you’ll bookmark me and come back because I think we’re in for an excellent journey together. In the meantime, if you have a lapband, and you live in Los Angeles, I’d love to interview you. Drop me a line and I’ll give you a call! Bon Voyage!!!


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